Clothing Designs and Philosophy

At Tssui Design and Research clothing is valued as a necessity of life. It is an aspect of human life that cannot be denied and it should express and accommodate the human body of the wearer. Clothing can be a daily tool for accommodating the challenges and changes of the day and evening and express our presence, our character, our personality and resourcefulness. Our clothing is designed as an extension of our bodies, accommodating the daily changes of the human body, its temperatures, its movements, its bodily processes. In a sense, clothing is moving architecture, because it moves with us, it accommodates the various climates we experience and this can change many times a day. Our body changes as our environment changes so our clothing designs must be unlike anything created before. Tssui’s designs are unaffected by fashion, trends, or history. The choices we make with fabrics and design very much relate to the climate and intended use of our clothing. It intends to makes our bodies a work of art and motion appropriate to the place and time. It ennobles the wearer. It should make us feel more than we think we can be..




Shoe Designs